Friday, July 24, 2009

Becca Paige

Miss Becca made her arrival on the 22nd after I began having symptoms of preeclamsia. My blood pressure had shot up to 156/95 and wouldn't come down. The only solution is to deliver the baby and at 37 1/2 weeks we would never have thought there would be any problems. But to top it off she is a c-section and doesn't get that necessary squeeze. She was first diagnosed the TTN (transient tacnypnea of the newborn) and the next day was told she had RDS (respiratory distress syndrome). She was placed on the vent and gien 3 doses of surfactant and she has done beautifully. She was extubated today and is now on 1/8 of a liter. She is also eating and no longer has her gavage tube( suctions our her tummy of air). All she has left is her IV and O2 and they have discontinued her antibiotics.

Her sisters love her to death and we cannot wait to share her with the world. She weighed 7# and was 19 1/2 in long and has a head full of black hair but her face looks like the other two. She is a beauty and a precious gift of God. We have learned to

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