Friday, May 9, 2008

Spring Wildflowers

I had a patient that had the most beautiful bluebonnets this year and last year. Both years I asked if I could bring out the girls to get their pictures taken at his house. They turned out beautiful again this year. Reese wasn't real happy until after we stopped taking the pictures and then she started playing. Go figure. The flowers are so beautiful and they come back each year which reminds me of how consistent our Lord is. Winter is the "depressed" time of year. It is dark longer. It is cold and most people wouldn't say it is their favorite month. But then...Spring comes in and the world is blanketed by beautiful flowers. I always love the bluebonnets but I also love the Indian Paint brushes in all of their colors. Really I love them all. God paints a beautiful tapestry that we get to call our earthly home.

And here is my little tumbler. I got this picture before I was reminded that I couldn't use a flash. That day we were told that Kaylee would be able to move up into the shooting stars program because of her love of gymnastics and talent. It is an invitation only program and her cousin Emily moved up as well.

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