Sunday, October 14, 2007

MOO says the cow

We were at some of our friends' house watching the mighty Cowboys play when Ginny noticed that one of their heifers had calved. So we took all of the kids and headed down to look at a brand new baby and to see which number it was that had calved and if it was a boy or girl. So, I get in the back with the 7 children while the other mommies ride in the cab. I am sitting on the back holding Reese. The cows hear the truck and become giddy with anticipation of their meal. The jump and kick and moo and throw their body weigh around. They get within feet of the back of the truck and I, being the mommy, try to act tough and hold my ground. All the while telling the children that the cows won't hurt them. One of the kids starts throwing out cake which only encourages the beasts. We finally ohh and ahh at the new calf which we still don't know if it is a boy or girl but realize we have worn out our welcome when the bull decides to try and get in the back of the truck. Ginny yells for everyone to sit down and she is going to try and divert the cows and then go out fast. Kaylee loves the whole adventure because she loves animals. Reese... not so much. She sees the huge beasts and begins screaming. She is terrified and clinging to mommy. All on all, an exciting adventure and a sad day for the Cowboys. However we still believe that they are going to the Super Bowl to have a rematch with the Patriots.

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