Monday, December 29, 2008

Weary Traveler

I have always thought of the 3 wise men as weary travelers as they journeyed for so long but at the same time they are in awe of our Lord. This Christmas I tried to really focus on the awesomeness of what our Lord did for us by sending His son, already knowing the outcome. Can you imagine, having a child knowing that it will be murdered by those that you love because of their selfishness--sin? I am so thankful that He did that for me and everyone. I was listening to the radio the other day and became infuriated. There was a pastor on the radio and he was saying that even God believes in Santa. They were talking and they were saying that if God could sit on Santa's lap He would ask that all people come to know Him. As I was yelling into the radio on how absurd the whole idea was, I truely became grateful for the reason I was upset. I was also saddened by a pastor that was so misguiding. The only reason not everyone has come to have a relationship with our Lord is because He desires for us to desire to have a relationship with Him. It is not forced but by our own choice. I am sure that this misguided pastor didn't really mean it that way but it really bothered me. So as this new year is approaching I challenge us all to strive to be the examples God has called us to be. For me, it will be to make sure my 'thought to mouth' filter is turned on. I want to ponder in my heart the blessings God has bestowed on me and the ones that I love and continue to teach my children of His unconditional love.

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