Monday, October 26, 2009

Bottles and Boobs

Becca has got to be our most stubborn child ever and maybe in the history of children in general. I love her to death and she LOVES her mommy. She will only eat for me whether from a bottle or the breast. It is insane. I had always been told that a nursing mommy would never be able to get her baby to take a bottle. Wrong. Phillip can't, the baby-sitter can't. It is absolutely insane. How long can a baby go without eating if I simply don't come around? I know that it is longer than 8 hrs because that is how long she went on Fri and Sat until I fed her. I will take all advice and try anything. I can't give up nursing though. I just can't. It is too good for the baby. So, I am sending out an SOS!!

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